56 N Bedford St. Unit B11, East Bridgewater, MA 02333 Contact Phone: 508-846-4720 or 508-846-4979
Tui Na harmonize yin and yang in the body by manipulating the Qi in the acupuncture channels. Working along meridians (energy channels) throughout the body, the Tui Na practitioner taps into these energy points, using stretches, pressure points, and joint rotations, to balance the body’s vital energy
A hot stone massage can help with pain relief from chronic conditions, reduce stress, and rid the body of toxins. Many people also seek out hot stone massage as an ultra-relaxing variation to a regular Swedish or deep tissue massage.
By boosting the immune system and reducing inflammation, gua sha practitioners help those in their care cope with various conditions, including: Pain and stiffness Fever and chill Neck and back pain Flu and bronchitis Earaches Migraine headaches Allergic inflammation Asthma, coughing, and wheezing Nausea